Cellular Responses to Stress and Toxic Insults: Adaptation, Injury, and Death

Image Thumbnail Primary Image ID Primary Image title All taxonomy terms
LMP26627 Thumbnail LMP26627 Liver, Primary biliary cirrhosis, H&E stain
LMP27265 Thumbnail LMP27265 Brain, Grumose degeneration of the dentate nucleus
LMP27443 Thumbnail LMP27443 Oral cavity, ligneous gingivitis
LMP28594 Thumbnail LMP28594 Stomach, Fundic gland polyp
LMP30326 Thumbnail LMP30326 Placenta, Abnormal placental attachment, H&E stain
LMP31137 Thumbnail LMP31137 Liver, Venous outflow obstruction, trichrome stain
LMP31252 Breast, Radial sclerosing lesion
LMP31582 Thumbnail LMP31582 Lymph Node, Silicone lymphadenopathy
LMP32563 Thumbnail LMP32563 Breast, Silicone granuloma
LMP32926 Thumbnail LMP32926 Ovary, Endometriotic cyst
