Cellular Responses to Stress and Toxic Insults: Adaptation, Injury, and Death

Image Thumbnail Primary Image ID Primary Image title All taxonomy terms
LMP87056 Thumbnail LMP87056 Skin, Subcutaneous Fat Necrosis
LMP89048 Thumbnail LMP89048 Heart, Papillary muscle ischemic necrosis
LMP89179 Thumbnail LMP89179 Breast, Massive localized lymphedema
LMP90098 Thumbnail LMP90098 Esophagus, Eosinophilic esophagitis
LMP90367 Cervix, endocervical polyp
LMP90920 Thumbnail LMP90920 Liver, Primary biliary cirrhosis, Trichrome stain
LMP92467 Thumbnail LMP92467 Liver, Alcoholic liver disease, H&E stain
LMP93678 Thumbnail LMP93678 Colon, Pseudomembranous colitis
LMP95948 Thumbnail LMP95948 Brain, Pick’s disease
LMP96683 Thumbnail LMP96683 Vulva, Bartholin duct cyst
