Cellular Responses to Stress and Toxic Insults: Adaptation, Injury, and Death

Image Thumbnail Primary Image ID Primary Image title All taxonomy terms
LMP11035 Thumbnail LMP11035 Breast, Gynecomastia
LMP12056 Thumbnail LMP12056 Clitoris, lichen sclerosus
LMP12132 Thumbnail LMP12132 Skin, Morphea
LMP15329 Thumbnail LMP15329 Breast, fascicular pseudoangiomatous stromal hyperplasia
LMP19513 Thumbnail LMP19513 Breast, complex sclerosing lesion
LMP22267 Thumbnail LMP22267 Liver, Alcoholic liver disease, Trichrome stain
LMP22594 Thumbnail LMP22594 Placenta, Abnormal placental attachment
LMP22759 Thumbnail LMP22759 Muscle, Denervation atrophy secondary to polyneuropathy, H&E stain
LMP25452 Thumbnail LMP25452 Skin, Pilonidal sinus
LMP25576 Thumbnail LMP25576 Endometrium, endometrial polyp
