Diseases of Infancy and Childhood

Image Thumbnail Primary Image ID Primary Image title All taxonomy terms
LMP11689 Thumbnail LMP11689 Bones, Hypophosphatasia
LMP12509 Thumbnail LMP12509 Spinal Column, Myelomeningocele
LMP18409 Thumbnail LMP18409 Heart, Atrioventricular septal defect
LMP18456 Thumbnail LMP18456 Body Morphology, OEIS Complex
LMP20235 Thumbnail LMP20325 Skin, Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) (Langerin)
LMP21569 Thumbnail LMP21569 Body Morphology, OEIS Complex
LMP23642 Thumbnail LMP23642 Colon, Meckel diverticulum
LMP25969 Thumbnail LMP25969 Bladder, OEIS Complex
LMP26937 Thumbnail LMP26937 Spermatic cord, Ectopic adrenal tissue
LMP28337 Thumbnail LMP28337 Blood Vessels, Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return
