Pathology Slides

Image Thumbnail Primary Image ID Primary Image title All taxonomy terms
LMP73610 Thumbnail LMP73610 Vulva, Paget disease with invasion, CK7 stain
LMP73785 Thumbnail LMP73785 Lymph Nodes, Sarcoidosis
LMP73924 Thumbnail LMP73924 Breast, Benign phyllodes tumour
LMP74044 Thumbnail LMP74044 Kidney, High grade urothelial carcinoma of renal pelvis
LMP74199 Thumbnail LMP74199 Peripheral Blood, systemic mastocytosis
LMP74242 Thumbnail LMP74242 Brain, Progressive supranuclear palsy
LMP74298 Thumbnail LMP74298 Skin, Sebaceous adenoma
LMP74415 Thumbnail LMP74415 Body Morphology, Cervical persistent neurenteric canal
LMP74471 Thumbnail LMP74471 Skin, Merkelsson-Rosenthal syndrome
LMP74492 Thumbnail LMP74492 Skin, fungal dermatitis, GMS stain
